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Worst Mother's Day Presents

Since becoming a mama, I've viewed Mother's Day as the highlight of my year. In theory, all of the tireless work that I put into parenthood gets rewarded and acknowledged for a tragically fleeting 24 hours. I look forward to a bouquet of dandelions and a homemade card from my 3-year-old this year. And, as far as I'm concerned, those are the best gifts I could possibly ask for.
But there are some Mother's Day presents that I'll gladly go the rest of my life without receiving. I'll officially declare myself a failure as a mother if I ever come across these presents in my "Best Mom Ever" gift bag. And, while there are certainly a few moms who might genuinely enjoy these gifts, the majority of us would probably frown on them.
Cleaning Products
Mother's Day is supposed to be a day to recognize the work that moms do -- not to give us more work to do. A box full of house-cleaning supplies screams, "Clean up after me!" not, "Thanks for everything you do." No matter how nifty, green, or novel a cleaning product is, these bottles of sparkle are acceptable only as gag gifts.
Nothing says "I love you, Mom," like the command to cook you a meal. Unless the mom in your life takes genuine joy in cooking -- and has specifically requested cooking supplies as a gift -- this present reads more like an insult than an expression of affection. Don't get me wrong: plenty of mothers enjoy cooking. But Mother's Day is supposed to be a day off, not a day to be reminded of the hard work we do on the other 364 days of the year.
Warm-fuzzy animals are a joy to have around, but it is never a good idea to give a pet as a present. Animals are high-need and require a tremendous investment of time and money. As with kitchenware and cleaning supplies, a new puppy is offering a mom more work to do, not less. From an animal-lover's perspective, pets are also a less-than-ideal Mother's Day gift. Pets deserve to be adopted because they're wanted, not because someone decided on a whim that they would make a cool Mother's Day gift.
Yeah, it looks cute and it's a great token attempt at covering up the fact that you didn't buy a gift. But that little coupon book is never going to be cashed, and most kids know that when they give them. Want to find a better way to show Mom you care? Don't print coupons saying that you'll help with the dishes one of these days. Instead, spend the entire day before Mother's Day cleaning the house, washing the laundry, and mowing the lawn. A real gift is always far better than an indefinite promise for future favors.
Gifts for Yourself
Don't even think about giving your wife or mother a gift that you secretly covet. If you're the one who's been lusting after a Wii or a flat-screen TV, don't pretend like it's a present to her. If you're shopping for Mother's Day gifts for someone else's mom -- maybe your wife or your friend -- avoid buying presents for her kids at all cost. Mother's Day is supposed to be about Mom, not about the kids. It's never fun to get excited about a gift, only to open it and realize that it's actually for someone else.
At the end of the day, I know I'd be happy to receive almost any present from my daughter. Before she leaves the nest, I'll probably choke down several bowls of soggy "I made breakfast myself" cereal. And, unless my child happens to stumble across this article within the next few years, I'll probably receive one of these items at some point. While we moms have mastered the art of feeling grateful no matter what, try to be mindful this year. Give the moms you love something that they'll truly enjoy.

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