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My Baby Has a Crooked Smile: Should I Worry?

The first picture I ever took of my daughter showed her just as I see her now-- beautiful, perfect, tiny, and graced with a tiny little mouth that tilts to the right. A few people who received the picture by text message commented on her "sweet little crooked mouth," which I thought was one of her most beautiful traits. When she cried or smiled, her lips would seem to only respond on one side-- and still, to this day, she shows this charming little "imperfection." I think she's lovely, and I don't find the trait to be particularly noticeable. However, I'm not the first or last mother to be concerned about my baby's crooked smile.
If your baby has a crooked smile, you're also likely to be concerned about it. Here are some points to consider if you're worried about your baby's lopsided or asymmetric smile.
1. It may be a congenital "defect." A crooked smile that doesn't resolve a few weeks after birth is known as asymmetric crying facies, and it affects about 1 out of every 160 babies. It is considered to be a birth defect, but a very mild one that does not require treatment and is solely cosmetic. It will not likely affect your baby's ability to eat or speak.
2. A crooked mouth can sometimes be associated with other problems. Although asymmetric crying facies itself is not a disabling or dangerous condition, it is sometimes associated with other problems. In about 10-50% of cases, a crooked smile on a baby comes as part of a chromosomal abnormality known as Cayler syndrome. Children with Cayler syndrome have crooked smiles along with heart defects. If your pediatrician suspects that your baby's crooked smile is part of Cayler syndrome, she will test for heart abnormalities.
3. If a crooked smile appears months or years after birth, it is a sign of a problem.
If your baby was born with a crooked smile, it isn't cause for concern if she has been evaluated for heart defects. However, a baby with a "normal" smile who suddenly develops a crooked mouth may be showing signs of an ear infection, Bell's palsy, stroke, a brain tumor, or another medical condition. Get in touch with your pediatrician promptly if your baby has suddenly developed a crooked smile.
4. It's not unattractive. On a confident, happy, healthy child, a crooked smile is not a birth defect or even a flaw, but something that makes her face unique and beautiful. While you may be concerned about the cosmetic effects of a lopsided smile, it's important to bear in mind that it doesn't make your baby any less perfect or beautiful than her peers. The handsome, charismatic actor Milo Ventimiglia, of "Heroes" fame, was born with asymmetric crying facies and is known as one of Hollywood's biggest hunks. Your baby's appearance will not suffer tremendously from this very mild imperfection.
5. It may get better over time-- and, if it doesn't, there's help. Now four years old, my daughter's smile is almost as straight as her peers'. Although I wholly anticipate that she will have a slightly lopsided smile for her entire life, it is not very noticeable and certainly not disfiguring. However, her pediatrician has explained that there are many cosmetic treatments that can "fix" her smile if she is self-conscious about her smile as an adult. I'll certainly wait until she's old enough to make that decision for herself, but it's good to know that cosmetic treatments are there should she make an educated and confident decision to pursue that route.
If you're concerned about your baby's crooked smile, get in touch with his pediatrician. Your child's doctor can evaluate the symptom, provide reassurance, and discuss possible treatment plans for the future.


  1. That list you made about a baby's crooked smile is spot on! As always, if a parent notices a slight difference with their kid, it’s best to be vigilant and be on the safe side. It could really be a sign of an underlying problem, and detecting it early could possibly fasten the healing process. Thanks for an educating post! Take care!

    Brendon Hudgins @ MedCarePediatric

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  3. My daughter is now 6.5 and I'm proud to tell them about her "special smile." It's a neat story and hers is very mild. It has not changed much over the years, but you don't see it as much because she is aware of it and has taught herself to smile in a way that it's less obvious. I love to see it, though, because I know when she lets her "real" smile shine through it is in a moment of unbridled joy.

    I belong to a FB group for parents of children with facial palsy as well as adults with facial palsy. It can be quite serious and debilitating for some.

    I wish our pediatrician had known what ACF was or at least known to refer us for a further check. She told us it was just "cute" and she would outgrow it, which was not true. When. We switched pediatrician she were referred to a neurologist for further evaluation. She was able to tell us definitively there was nothing to worry about, because my daughter had already had an echocardiogram and did not have any heart disease. If she had, that's not the kind of thing we would want a doctor to miss.

  4. Sorry for all the typos. Darn you, autocorrect!
