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6 Things You Should Never Say to a Work-at-Home Mom

I'm ultimately happy with the choice I made to become a work-at-home mom. In the four years that have passed since my daughter was born, I've built an enjoyable career that enables me to work on my own schedule. It grants me the ability to simultaneously raise my daughter and expand my own pursuit of knowledge and success. However, one of the biggest downsides to a career as a work-at-home mom is facing the rude and awkward comments I get from others. Here are a few things that you should never, ever say to a work-at-home mom.
1. Do you get paid for it?
If I didn't get paid for it, I would call it a hobby, not a job. If I didn't have a job, I would be a stay-at-home mom, not a work-at-home mom.
2. It must be really nice having so much free time.
Working from home doesn't mean I'm never working. It means I'm always working. WAHM work is like a gas; it expands to fill whatever space it's given. Don't assume that work-at-home moms have a lot of free time. Chances are good that they barely have any free time at all.
3. It's great that your husband is willing to support you.
This one makes me gag because it's not just incorrect, but revoltingly sexist. Ever since I began working from home, most people have assumed that some wealthy male is backing my career. I have always been the primary breadwinner in my daughter's life. My work-at-home career is still a real career.
4. Can you get me a job doing that?
No. A work-at-home mom can't get you a job in her field any more than a doctor can get you a job as a doctor or a store-owner can give you your own store. We work hard to build our careers and have no ability to pass out work-at-home jobs to our friends and relatives.
5. How do you do it?
This is a common reaction among people who have a realistic view of how hard a work-at-home job really is. While I appreciate the recognition that my job is hard, I don't really want to give you an account of all the chores and projects I've done today.
6. How much do you make?
Unless you have absolutely no tact, I don't imagine you would ask most people this question. Why would a work-at-home mom be any exception to the basic rules of etiquette and decency? Remember that our jobs are like any other jobs, and that we are as entitled to privacy and respect as anyone else.
My job as a work-at-home mom is neither a dream nor a nightmare. It is a job, just like any other, and it has its perks and drawbacks. Although I'm happy to discuss my career with friends and family members, there are plenty of questions and statements that I hope to never hear again.

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