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Should You Bring Your Toddler to a Rock Concert?

A few of my friends were shocked when I told them that I had taken my toddler to a rock concert. Although the show was an all-ages performance with no cursing, drugs or sexually explicit material, many adults view rock concerts as scary or confusing places for children.
If you're thinking about bringing your toddler to a rock concert, my advice is to go for it. My toddler had a great time at the concert and is still taking about it two weeks later. However, before you decide to take your toddler to a rock concert, there are several things you might need to consider.
Know your Child
Does your child cower every time she hears loud sounds? Do crowds of strangers unnerve her? Does she despise the sound of guitars and bass drums? If so, find a babysitter or skip the rock concert. I felt comfortable taking my daughter to a rock concert because I knew that she would enjoy both the music and the crowd. Let your toddler tag along only if you feel confident that she can handle and enjoy the experience.
Know Yourself
Your own preferences will also influence whether or not you should take your toddle to a rock concert. If you plan on drinking yourself senseless, joining the cloud of skunky smoke, or dirty-dancing with strangers-- leave your child at home. If you want to enjoy a wild night of grown-up fun, do so, but not around your kid. I brought my toddler to a rock concert knowing that it meant that it would mean a tamer evening.
Know the Setting
Finally, it's important to consider the time and the environment of the rock concert that you are thinking about bringing your toddler to. The artist who we saw in concert is known for his kid-friendly performances, but other musicians are notorious for oversexualized and swear-filled tunes. If the venue serves large amounts of alcohol or allows indoor smoking, it may be best to find a babysitter. Late-night concerts are not necessarily out of the question, though-- the concert I attended with my toddler lasted past midnight, but I made sure that she had a long nap that afternoon.
I'm not a perfect parent, but I personally don't believe that there is any inherent problem with bringing a toddler to a rock concert. If you believe that you and your child both will have a good time-- and that your toddler won't be exposed to any dangerous or unethical behaviors-- rock on.

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