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How to Help American Chestnut Trees

Before the near-extinction of the species in the 20th century, the American chestnut tree was one of the most important plants growing in North America. At one point, more than three billion American chestnut trees covered the continent, comprising more than one-fourth of the trees in all of Appalachia. This endemic tree was critical to the lumber industry, the food industry, and the wellbeing of wild animals throughout North America.
Unfortunately, the American chestnut tree is now an extreme rarity. In the early 1900s, chestnut blight-- a fungal disease originating in Chinese chestnut trees-- spread across North America like wildfire. Loggers, concerned about the impending collapse of the species, began over-harvesting the trees for fear that they might all be lost.
Only a few American chestnut trees remain, and the species is facing relatively imminent extinction if its problems are not promptly addressed. However, several organizations are helping to restore this once-widespread endangered species. Here are a few things you can do to help American chestnut trees.
Donate to the American Chestnut Foundation
The American Chestnut Foundation, a nonprofit organization, is spearheading the movement to save the American chestnut tree. This company works hard to cultivate genetically diverse, blight-resistant strains of American chestnut. After extensive work, the American Chestnut Foundation has bred several disease-resistant trees that may help to repopulate North America.
Your donation to the American Chestnut Foundation will help to support much-needed research regarding the best techniques for breeding a hardy, American variety of the chestnut tree. These will be able to withstand the blight and provide the economy and our natural ecosystem with an invaluable resource. Donations to the organization also support education initiatives, planting projects and land purchases for the American chestnut tree.
Buy Sustainably
When the green living movement was in its infancy, few mainstream stores carried organic foods or fair-trade clothing. It wasn't until consumers made it clear that they wanted to "go green" that large corporations began listening. You can help American chestnut trees by purchasing products that support the cause. The American Chestnut foundation offers cards, clothing and accessories-- as well as hand-crafted products made from salvaged American Chestnut wood-- to any interested buyers.
Purchase chestnuts any time you see them in a grocery store. Although grocery store varieties are European in origin, it is helpful to let suppliers know that there is consumer interest in chestnuts. If food companies recognize a demand for chestnuts in general, they are more likely to support the revival of a chestnut industry in North America.
Get the Word Out
A single person can't revive the near-extinct American chestnut, but a few million people certainly can. Mention the American chestnut tree to your friends and family members. Tweet a link to the nonprofit organizations helping to restore the species. Bring up American chestnuts when you're having chestnut-flavored coffee with a friend. As the word gets out, you can inspire people to do more to support this remarkable tree and the rejuvenation of the species.
Write your local fish and wildlife services. Write your congressman. Write the president. Let the world know about the economic and ecological importance of the American chestnut tree. With enough allies, the American chestnut may once again blanket the continent.

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