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Helium Balloons and the Environment

I try to live green, but there are times when my eco-conscience slips and I unknowingly make a choice that's bad for the planet. There have been several times that I've purchased helium balloons for my daughter without a second thought about the ecological impact that they may have. When I started planning for her third birthday party, I started to wonder: how do helium balloons impact the environment? And to what degree should I be concerned?

Here's the scoop on the effects of helium balloons on the environment.
Latex vs. Mylar
There's no doubt about it: latex balloons beat Mylar balloons hands-down when it comes to the environment. Latex is sustainable because it is derived from a renewable resource (tree resin). It is also completely biodegradable and breaks down over time after disposal. Mylar balloons are far less friendly to the environment, though-- they are made from metalicized polyester, which is dirty in both production and disposal. Because of this difference, I've chosen to forgo Mylar balloons, except, perhaps, for very special occasions.
How Green is Helium?
Unfortunately, helium itself has a fairly significant ecological footprint. While it is not pollutive, it is unsustainable. In fact, we're running out of easy-to-access helium quickly, because of its extensive use in unnecessary products such as balloons. We need affordable helium for other products we treasure, such as MRI scanners, fiber optics and LCD screens. While we will never truly run out of helium (it is always present in the air) it is important to never be wasteful of any valuable resource.
What about Litter?
Litter is another ecological concern associated with balloons. When released and "freed," rather than disposed of in a landfill, helium balloons eventually burst and fall somewhere on the land or the sea. While 100% latex balloons will biodegrade over time, some animals may actually swallow them and experience health problems as a result. Non-biodegradable materials like Mylar, strings and plastic bands can collect and cause environmental problems and difficulties for wildlife.
If you do choose to use balloons for decor, gift-giving or simple joy, you can enjoy a few natural latex balloons without it weighing unnecessarily on your eco-conscience. Simply choose latex balloons whenever possible, and dispose of your waste responsibly. A conscientious mind is the most important step toward sustainability.

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