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Effects of TV on Toddlers

Almost all parents allow their toddlers to watch television every now and then. Even I, as an anti-TV mom, occasionally succumb to the desire to pop in a DVD so I can get some housework done. However, there are many negative effects of TV on toddlers' development. Especially if your toddler is under the age of 2, more than half an hour a day can cause a variety of bad, unintended effects.

You aren't a bad parent if you let your toddler watch TV, but you should be aware of the effects of TV on a toddler's health and mental development. Here are some problems associated with TV and toddlers.
Unintended Neglect
Your toddler is awake for ten hours per day. If he spends 4 hours of that watching TV-- especially if you are only home for 5 out of those 4 hours-- where is there time for bonding and interaction? Parents who allow their toddlers to watch TV frequently are almost never intentionally neglectful, but the effects are the same. A toddler who is "babysat" by the TV misses out on important time with his parents and other family members.
Learning Difficulties
Do you think that television is helping your toddler learn? Current evidence says that its effects ae just the opposite. Even "educational" programs hinder your child's ability to learn from everyday play and interactions. The images on a television screen are unrealistic and move quickly; they can alter your child's perception of reality and prevent her from forming a normal attention span. TV is linked to an icreased risk of ADHD and behavioral problems in toddlers.
Materialism and Consumer Culture
Many toddlers develop fixations on the characters and brands sold in TV shows. What TV-watching toddler hasn't had an occasional tantrum over an Elmo doll or a Spongebob toy? You probably don't want your toddler to get tied up in the amount of product-peddling that enters children's television shows. Most toddlers also see targeted commercials for junk food, toys and other unnecessary products. Avoid having to say "no" by preventing your toddler from ever seeing these ads.

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