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Educational Field Trips for Homeschooled Toddlers

As the mother of a bright but short-tempered toddler, I believe that boredom is a common cause of temper tantrums and destructive behavior. To keep your toddler active, engaged and well-educated, it is essential that you get out of the house at least a few times per week. For homeschooling families with toddlers, educational field trips can provide learning opportunities as well as a chance to socialize with other children.

Here are some educational field trip ideas for homeschooled toddlers.
Petting Zoo
My toddler's favorite field trip is the petting zoo a few miles from my home. She delights in petting and learning about the llamas, sheep, goats, rabbits and other animals. Make this field trip even more educational by using it as an opportunity to expand your homescooled toddler's vocabulary. For example, you can teach your child that a female sheep is called a ewe and that a male is called a ram. Share facts with your child about all of the animals, and don't forget to wash your toddler's hands when you're done!
Children's Museum
Even small towns usually have a children's museum, and many of these are ideal field trip destinations for homeschooled toddlers. The children's museum in my town has a make-believe grocery store and a pretend doctor's office. Show your child the displays in the museum, taking care to explain the name and significance of each display. You and your homeschooled toddler will both enjoy this educational field trip.
Botanical Gardens
Visit your area's botanical gardens to teach your toddler about the beauty of the natural world. There, you can educate your child about different types of plants, their parts and their function. Your homeschooled toddler can soak up the sun and enjoy all the sights and sounds of a vibrant garden. You can also use the opportunity to introduce your toddler to different types of bees, birds and butterflies.
The Zoo
A well-kept zoo can be a perfect educational field trip for homeschooled toddlers who love animals. You can use this field trip opportunity to teach your toddler about different species of animals, their behavior and their habitats. A trip to the zoo can educate your child about obscure animals, such as okapis and fossas, and can help your child match real-life animals to the cartoonish illustrations they see in books.
To keep your homeschooled toddler happy, educated and stimulated, introduce him to a variety of sights and sounds through educational field trips. These enjoyable outings can help to strengthen your bond with your toddler whiel also providing educational opportunities.

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