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5 Fun Ways to Kiss Your Kids

I am the kissiest mom I know. I love to kiss my daughter's cheeks, and her forehead, and her hair, and her nose. I kiss her to wake her up in the morning and to put her to bed at night. I suppose I'm subconsciously trying to get all the mommy-kisses in now, before she turns 12 and decides that mom-kisses are awkward and embarrassing.
But there's more than one way to kiss a kiddo. In fact, all around the world, people have dozens of ways of expressing affection to their children. Here are five fun, sweet, and giggle-inducing ways to kiss your kids.
1. Give butterfly kisses. A butterfly kiss is a lip-free kiss shared by generations of moms and children. To butterfly-kiss your little one, put your eyes close to hers. You then both blink rapidly, fluttering your eyelashes to mimic the batting of butterfly wings. They''ll also give you a reason to feel particularly nostalgic and sentimental when you hear Bob Carlilse's famous song 20 years from now.
2. Eskimo-kiss your kids (the real way)! An Eskimo kiss isn't what you think. The idea we have in our minds-- of rubbing noses together to show affection-- is based far more in stereotype-filled 60s cartoons than Inuit tradition. An actual "Eskimo kiss" is known as a kunik, which--depending on the culture and region-- might involve thoroughly sniffing your kids' faces or actually suctioning their cheeks with your nostrils. In most Inuit cultures, it's used as a sign of affection between mothers and children. Give it a try!
3. Nose-kiss your kids. This is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you imagine Eskimo kisses. While it may not be traditional or authentic, it sure is fun! Rub your nose against your kids' noses. It's almost impossible to do this without smiling, and it's a fun way to show affection to your children.
4. Fish kiss! Kiss your kids gourami-style. Do this by sucking your cheeks in to make a comical puckering face, and move your lips up and down like a fish underwater. Then kiss your kiddos while making this puckery expression. Sooner or later, your kids are sure to join you in this funny way of showing affection. Fish-kissing will quickly turn into giggling; I guarantee it. Cross your eyes while making a fish-kiss face for extra laughs.
5. Leave kisses as gifts. When you pack your child's school lunch, sneak a tiny box, such as a jewelry box, into your child's lunch bag. Include a note on the inside saying that there is a mommy-kiss inside. You can also leave these by your child's bed when a babysitter is staying late, or in your kid's backpack before a stressful day at school. For bonus points, include a chocolate Hershey's Kiss in the box. This is a great way to show affection to your kids from a distance.
I know that, some day not too far in the future, my daughter will go to bed without asking for nose-kisses, "flutterby kisses," or fishy-kisses. But, while she's still three and still loves me the way only a three-year-old can, I'll grab all the kisses I can get.

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