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5 Fun Activities for Kids who Love Dinosaurs

I'm not sure what it is about kids and dinosaurs, but almost every preschooler I know adores them. My own three-year-old daughter spends almost all of her time thinking, talking, and learning about the scaly prehistoric reptiles. She even has a collection of invisible sauropods and Tyrannosaurus who live inside our apartment.
There's no shortage of fun things to do with a kid who likes dinosaurs. If you've got a dino-loving kid and need some ideas to pass the time during the day, here are a few enjoyable suggestions.
1. Print it out.
Plenty of dinosaur-oriented printable activities are available on the web and are specifically oriented toward young children. Choose from a variety of matching games, card games, vocabulary crossword puzzles, cut-outs, and coloring sheets are available to educate your child about his extinct buddies. These can exercise fine motor skills while also enhancing your child's interest and understanding of prehistoric life. My personal favorite is the Eyewitness Dinosaur Printable set, which is based on the Eyewitness series of illustrated reference books.
2. Take a trip to the museum.
Most children's museums have large sections dedicated to prehistoric life, and to dinosaurs in particular. Our own local museum has a mock excavation site, a T-rex skeleton replica, and several other fun attractions for kids who love dinosaurs. The museum also occasionally hosts special lessons for dino-crazy kids. Get involved locally to find out when these things are happening in your area.
3. Play dinosaur.
My three-year-old got into the pool a few days ago and was faced with a difficult decision. "I don't know if I'm going to pretend to be a plesiosaur, or an ichthyosaur, or a liopleurodon, or a parasauropholus," she lamented dramatically. Throughout the day, she alternates between pretending to be one form of prehistoric reptile or another. If she wants to fly, she's a pteronodon; if she wants to reach the cups high in the cabinet, she's an apatosaurus. I encourage this form of make-believe because it is both creative and educational.
4. Make dinosaur crafts.
Kid-friendly dinosaur crafts are easy to make, and you can probably find a way to make from from reclaimed or upcycled materials. Press pennies into a dinosaur-shaped lump of play-doh for a convincing stegosaurus. Toothpicks are great at imitating anklyosaurus spikes. A piece of paper can be folded into a vague approximation of a pterosaur. If you and your child can't come up with good craft ideas on your own, scope out the internet or a craft-supply store in your area for specific ideas. This one, modeled after Little Foot from the Land Before Time, is a favorite in my family.
5. Write a book.
Your child doesn't have to be a budding Shakespeare to reap the joy of everyday writing. Get a few scraps of construction paper and, some crayons, and a stapler together to spark the adventure of early childhood authorship. Your child can write the text and draw the illustrations for the book. If he doesn't have the skills to draw recognizable shapes, let him cut out some clip art dinos and arrange them accordingly. It's a perfect project for a fun summer afternoon.

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